Excellent Story, Thanks...

Premanand Paul Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
'A holy man, Swami Vishnuddhananda, was living in the Himalayas. The
Maharaja of Tehri, then a Himalayan state, was greatly devoted to him.
One day he asked the Mahatma, "Master, what are the indications of a
person who has renounced the world?"
The Mahatma kicked him out of his cottage saying, "Get out. Carrying
all the dirt of the world on you as you do, you have no business to ask
questions about the indications of a renunciate."
The Maharaja went out, but stayed outside the cottage the whole night.
At three o'clock in the  morning the Mahatma chanced to come out and
asked, "Who is sitting there?"
"The one whom you kicked out," said the Maharaja.
"Do you see the signs of the renunciate now?" said the Mahatma. "He is
entirely fearless, so that he can kick out even a Maharaja."'
- From 'Birth and Death' - His Holiness Shantanand Saraswati

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