--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > What worries me as much as anything about a
> > President Obama is the possibility that these
> > attitudes will be perpetuated in his administration,
> > given his unwilligness to do anything to change them
> > among his campaign supporters.
> He refused to use the same attack strategy McCain has been
> using.  He explicitly told his supporters that families were
> out of bounds.   It was the McCain rallies where people
> shouted out things like "terrorists" and "kill him."  I
> haven't heard any reports of this kind of insanity at Obama
> rallies, have you?

No, but I wasn't comparing comments about families
or shouts at rallies or campaign attack ads, or even
comparing the campaigns at all, so this would seem
to be a non sequitur designed to misdirect--
especially since you know what I *am* talking about.

> I don't really know what you expected Obama to do to control
> every communication from the millions of people who are about
> to elect him president.

Are you now beginning to hallucinate, like Barry?
Could you show me where I said I expected Obama to
control every communication from the millions of
people who [may be] about to elect him president?

Hallucinate a few more straw men, why don't you?
They're really effective when you can't address the
actual point.

And for goodness' sake, whatever you do, at all
costs IGNORE the slew of slanders in Barry's post
that I was responding to.

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