--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Of course, he is.

You are mixing up logical levels here.  Religiously they are
Christian, and culturally they are Jewish. 

> Islam, as it was pointed out in a post here (by raunchydog?), is 
> defined patrilinearly.

By Muslims.  Not by people with a father who happened to be born in
that part of the world who now chooses to be Christian.  Saying that a
person can be a religion against their own will is absurd.

> And, like Judaism, you don't have to have much, if any, belief in 
> Islam and its tenets.  You just have to have been born to an Islamic 
> father who could even be an atheist (as Barack's father apparently 
> was).

So it is a magical connection that has nothing to do with a person's
choice?  And we should take this one belief of Muslims seriously

> I don't trust people who try to hide things about themselves.>

Hiding his magical connection that would only be believed by people
who grew up as Muslim and bought into this belief.  We should all
adapt this superstitious POV? 

Obama's religion is the pseudo-cannibalistic Christian religion.  But
thank God he's not a Muslim!  They believe some weird stuff don't they?  


> And he/she would be the first to say it even though, spiritually, 
> they subscribe to the New Testament and accept J.C. and their 
> personal savior and all that bullshit.
> Same thing with atheist Jews.  Many of the Jews I know don't believe 
> in God, haven't been in a synagogue in years, don't observe the High 
> Holidays, and feast on pork and lobster every chance they get.
> But in spite of not only not adhering to the tenets of Judaism -- and 
> indeed, go out of their way to express their opposition to them -- 
> they still consider themselves as Jews.
> And, according to Israel's law of return as well as the laws of 
> Judaism regarding who is a Jew, the above-described Jews are Jews by 
> virtue of their mothers being Jewish (the father could be Pope and 
> the children would still not be any less Jewish).
> That's all it took; just the matri-linear connection.  No need to 
> believe in Judaism or adhere to its principles.
> Islam, as it was pointed out in a post here (by raunchydog?), is 
> defined patrilinearly.
> And, like Judaism, you don't have to have much, if any, belief in 
> Islam and its tenets.  You just have to have been born to an Islamic 
> father who could even be an atheist (as Barack's father apparently 
> was).
> So Barack is and always will be a Muslim.  Of course, like a Jew for 
> Jesus who are often referred to as "Messianic Jews", Barack is, we 
> could say, a "Messianic Muslim" because he, too, has accepted the ole 
> J-Meister as his personal free ticket to ever-lasting heaven.
> Why doesn't Barack identify himself as Muslim?  Is he ashamed of it?
> Why not embrace your heritage instead of hiding from it?
> Why instruct your minions to strictly keep head-garb-wearing Muslim 
> women AWAY from any backdrops in photo-ops so that the Muslim 
> connection is hidden?
> I don't trust people who try to hide things about themselves.  Being 
> Muslim is NOT a reason not to vote for Obama.  Don't vote for him or 
> do vote for him based upon his stance on issues and his character.

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