--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > it sounds like you may be relying on some nebulous 
> > subjective experience to comfort yourself in the face 
> > of your eventual death. 
> I cannot speak for Vaj, but my subjective
> experiences are anything but nebulous. They
> are memories as real and as clear to me as 
> the memory of what I had for breakfast.
> > i have no doubts, questions or fears associated 
> > with my complete dissolution at death. sounds like 
> > you might. 
> Why? Because we remember having died, and
> what came afterwards?
> Does remembering what you had for breakfast
> SCARE you? Then why should remembering 
> something a little further back "sound like" 
> there are fears associated with it?
> > careful what others tell you, even those you trust 
> > associated with your religous or spiritual tradition. 
> > remember, tradition just means old.
> Careful with projecting your own fears and 
> assumptions onto others. I, for one, do not 
> base my belief in reincarnation on what anyone 
> has told me. I base it on my own subjective 
> experience, my own memories.
> If my subjective experience turns out to be
> mistaken and thus my belief in reincarnation
> turns out to be wrong, when I die I will just 
> blink out and never know it. No disappointment, 
> no confusion, nada. Just blink, and out.
> However, if your belief that you will just
> blink out turns out not to be true, you've
> still got a heckuva confusing journey through
> the Bardo ahead of you. And you'll be unpre-
> pared for any of it.
> All in all, gettin' all Pascal's Wager on this
> issue, I contend that my belief, although it 
> may be illusory, is by far the safer bet.  :-)
rhetorical question to you: do you ever push something just to see 
what happens next?

thanks for your answer- i enjoyed reading it, and learned something 
about you in the process.

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