--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
> >
> > I feel sorry for Palin. Here's a woman who is not stupid, but she's
> not intellectually curious nor oriented. She's a rube. Probably
> doesn't read very much and her jobs as Mayor of a small Alaskan town
> and then Governor of Alaska which is an amazingly underpopulated
> state, under 7000,000 people, did not force her to expand her
> intellectual horizons very far. She gets thrown onto the national
> stage in the media spotlight and she tries to skate by on charisma
> instead of knowledge and she humiliates herself. So she becomes
> defensive and refuses help. She might have fantasies of running in
> 2012, but there has got to be a paradigm change in her orientation to
> the job, or she'll just humiliate herself again. Some one smart and
> close to her needs to have a "come to Jesus" meeting with her to let
> her know the facts of political life. And you Republicans out there,
> you really want to waste your energy by trying to promote this rube?
> Here Comes the Bus! Beep Beep! by dcmediagirl 11/6/08
> Let's face it: John McCain had a hard row to hoe. Conservatives never
> really warmed up to him. At times he appeared to be phoning it in. His
> staff's "strategy", particularly with regards to advertising and
> message shaping, was pathetic. The press was overwhelmingly biased in
> favor of his opponent. He was outspent 8-1 by the Obama people.
> Overall, the campaign was limp, confused and disorganized.
> John McCain had the class and dignity to accept responsibility for his
> loss. His staff, however, is a different story. Unable to take any
> blame for any of the poor decisions made by overpaid and incompetent
> campaign aides, former staffers are feverishly trying to stay hireable
> and politically viable by engaging in hysterical finger-pointing. So
> who is REALLY to blame for McCain's defeat?
> Of course! Sarah Palin.
> Never mind that McCain needed Sarah Palin more than she needed McCain.
> He needed her to gain much needed street cred among conservatives. She
> routinely outdrew him at campaign rally after campaign rally. Say what
> you will about her — agree with her or not, respect her or not
— in a
> few short weeks Sarah Palin, the most popular governor in America and
> one of the most viciously vilified women in politics next to Hillary
> Clinton, became a bona fide political and pop culture icon. If McCain
> had been crazy enough to choose Mitt Romney instead he would have lost
> not only the northeast but the South as well. So let's give the lady
> some credit for breathing life into a moribund campaign.
> But no. It was her shopping sprees that finished McCain off.
> Right.
> Never mind that the clothes were paid for by the party.
> Message to McCain staffers engaging in this anonymous sniping: I hope
> that the press suspends their practice of hiding your identities and
> exposes you for the cheap shot artists you are. May you never work on
> another campaign again, not that you deserve to - you didn't exactly
> knock the country's socks off with your mad political skillz.
> On another note, a friend of mine texted me this morning bellyaching
> about how if John Kerry had run a campaign like Obama's we would have
> been spared another 4 years of Bush. I had to remind her that Kerry
> couldn't have run this sort of campaign. He didn't have Obama's
> natural advantage of a press corps that did a swan dive into the tank
> for him. That aside, Kerry had another major weakness - he was being
> advised by Bob Schrum, an overpriced hack who came to the Kerry
> campaign having lost every presidential campaign he ever worked on.
> Going back, Al Gore had Donna Brazile. Dukakis had Susan Estrich.
> Mondale had Bob Beckel. Not coincidentally, all these political
> geniuses with their stropng records of failure are now employed as
> "contributors" by cable networks.
> On the other hand, Bill Clinton had James Carville and Paul Begala.
> And Bill Clinton was a sensational campaigner, better than anyone I've
> seen in my lifetime. One could argue that his campaign was run with
> more skill than Obama's; after all, Obama didn't have a Gennifer
> Flowers holding a press conference before the New Hampshire primary.
> The press corps declared Clinton's candidacy dead and buried. We all
> know how that turned out.
> To return to the original topic of this blog…men fuck up most
> egregiously. A female sacrficial lamb is trotted out to take it in the
> neck. Enough already.

If I had to guess, I'd say that some political consultant was just
setting up for his next campaign job on the other side of the fence. If
I was feeling really conspiratorial I'd say that someone who just lost
their paycheck just scooped up some extra cash.

One thing for sure, someone(s)  in the winning party is very afraid of
Governor Palin.


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