--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
YKH5bQQ> , "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
SuBKgW2gU> , Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
FmrFTRRCypDcM-4YMCea5aoFGaBPbBosvtnuenO_9vexz_Qfo> ...> wrote:
> > Someone sent me this on the side:
> >
> > Rick
> > As long as Shemp is going to drag this out and refer to the rules
> could you
> > please point him to his post, #26324
> >
> >  (Since I write under a pseudonym, I will tell you the truth
> (which I
> > wouldn't normally do if I were having this discussion with a
> female who knew
> > who I really am): Yes.
> >
> > I like the crotch shots and the more her legs are spread, the
> better.
> >
> > And if she's shaved, my Little Elvis gets even bigger and happier.
> >
> > and then refer him to Yahoo! Groups Guidelines #3 and #8. That
> stuff is
> > really out of place (in my opinion) in this group
> Rick, that you would feel it appropriate to pass along such a
> message (when you could just have easily have directed that person
> to post anonymously themselves and thereby stay out of whatever it
> was that your correspondent was doing) indicates to me that you feel
> there is even a smidgen of moral comparison between what "Ron"
> posted and virtually anything I have EVER posted here (including
> the "Little Elvis" quote which, by the way, was totally on-topic and
> entirely appropriate).>>

You called me 'human' once. That's a grave insult.

<Okay, I know what's happening here and so does everyone else>>

What happened here? Most of us never even noticed this storm in a teacup
going on as background noise without us even noticing it. What happened?
Were you being rude again?

He's a Canuk for chrise sakes, what'd you people expect?

> express unpopular and politically incorrect opinions on this forum
> and they make some people feel uncomfortable.  You know that and I
> know that.>>

Your worst one was your support of the murder of hundreds of thousands
of innocent Iraqi children. That is the only on that I find
unforgivable.  Everything else is just balarny.

> But I've never fraudulently put words in other people's mouths or
> put words in other people's mouths that call for the murder of the
> President of the United States.  Whether any of you want to believe
> it or not, what Ron did caused me alot of stress, worry and
> anxiety.  It was an abuse of freedom of speech and it crossed the
> line.  I reproduced here several incidents from the internet that
> were not even as serious that caused legal action by the appropriate
> authorities.>>

Wait...you called for the murder of the president? Where did you say
that? I thought you liked Bush?

> That there would be anything less than unanimous outrage from ALL
> quarters over what happened to me is what is outrageous. >>

Most of us were blissfully unaware of what happened here? What did you
do wrong? You said something about big hairy nachos or something?

> it was used as an opportunity by some to dump on me.
> Well, you can all rest easy now, 'cause I won't participate anymore
> in your forum.  By Rick's reactions and others', I no longer feel
> comfortable expressing myself here.>>

I don't think you have much to talk about after the destruction of the
Neocons anyway, but that doesn't mean you cannot change into a new
being. This is your chance. Stick around, it will be fun to watch.

> You can all have your opinions expressed without me bringing you out
> of your comfort zone and you can maintain your politically correct
> worldviews.>>

Enlightened views are preferable to warmongering hatred.

> Particularly the gun-loving LBShriver who can't stomach or
> comprehend any opposing viewpoint that points out his silly
> hypocrisy -- and who was so quick to paint ME negatively in this
> whole episode when I was the victim -- will not have to ever see my
> name as a poster ever again.>>

Ok but, does that mean you are going to continue using the other 5 names
you have on FFL?

> I do thank those that did stick up for me.

You're welcome.


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