i noticed these planets in the sky last week and took a picture of 
one of them with my digital camera (i think venus). when i enlarged 
the picture i discovered two things: a bright magenta spot visible  
in the sw corner of the planet, and a sea green aura emanating from 
the rest of the planet. could be just a digital artifact, but i 
haven't seen colors like that whenever i have taken pictures of 
planets before. thanks for these. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Photo: Venus, Jupiter, Moon Smile On Earth
> 2 Photos:
> http://www.universetoday.com/wp-
> http://www.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,6377981,00.jpg
> -More- spectacular photos:
> http://www.skymaps.com/events/20081201/index.html
> December 2, 2008 — The heavens smiled down on Earth Monday in a 
> celestial trifecta of Venus, Jupiter, and the moon.
> The planets aligned—an event known as a conjunction—Sunday night, 
> were joined by a thin sliver of moon on Monday.
> The rare planetary meeting was visible from all parts of the world,
> even from light-polluted cities such as Hong Kong and New York.
> People in Asia witnessed a smiley face (above, photographed from
> Manila, Philippines), while skywatchers in the United States saw a 
> The three brightest objects in the sky were so tightly gathered 
> one could eclipse them with a thumb, according to NASA's Web site.
> The next visible Venus-Jupiter conjunction will be on the evening 
> March 14, 2012, but the two planets will appear farther apart in 
the sky. 
> National Geographic: 
> http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/12/081202-venus-

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