--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , enlightened_dawn11
> i'll take vaj first. he has no accountability here and yet feels
> both justified and self-righteous to spray about his negative
> opinions of the Maharishi, enlightenment and those on this board,
> particularly women, as he chooses. he was initially quite insulting
> to me when i joined this board and it was only by slipping in very
> quietly that i have been able to expose him for the fraud that he
> is.
> having read and been exposed to something about buddhist teachings
> myself, he is the antithesis of them, reflecting neither self
> knowledge nor any of the positive attributes espoused by followers
> of the many Buddhas. he appears to have an unhealthy obsession with
> tearing down all things TM, and doesn't have a clue about the
> integrated nature of enlightenment. i personally find him shallow,
> arrogant and franky not too bright.>>

He seems more like Jerry Falwell than any kind of Buddhist I ever heard


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