Excerpt from "Traveller in Space", a book by June Campbell:

The Tibetan Buddhists developed the belief that enlightenment could
be accelerated by the decision "to enlist the passions in one`s
religious practice, rather than to avoid them". The stategy is
considered extremely risky yet so efficacious that it could lead to
enligthenment in one lifetime.

Monks of a lower status confined themselves to visualising an
imaginary sexual relationship during meditation. But, her book sets
out, the "masters" reach a point where they decide that they can
engage in sex without being tainted by it. The instructions in the
so-called "secret" texts spell out the methods which enable the man
to control the flow of semen through yogic breath control and other
practices. The idea is to "drive the semen upwards, along the spine,
and into the head". The more semen in a man`s head, the stronger
intellectually and spiritually he is thought to be.

"The reverse of ordinary sex expresses the relative status of the
male and female within the ritual."

More than that, he is said to gain additional strength from
absorbing the woman`s sexual fluids at the same time as withholding
his own. This "reverse of ordinary sex", said June
Campbell, "expresses the relative status of the male and female
within the ritual, for it signals the power flowing from the woman
to the man".

The imbalance is underscored by the insistence by such guru-lamas
that their sexual consorts must remain secret, allowing the lamas to
maintain control over the women. "Since the book was published, I`ve
had letters from women all over the world with similar and worse

So why did she stay for almost three years? "Personal prestige. The
women believe that they too are special and holy. They are entering
sacred space. It produces good karma for future lives, an is a test
of faith". The combination of religion, sex, power and secrecy can
have a potent effect.

It creates the Catch 22 of psychological blackmail set out in the
words of another lama, Beru Kyhentze Rinpoche: "If your guru acts in
a seemingly unenlightened manner and you feel it would be
hypocritical to think him a Buddha, you should remember that your
own opinions are unreliable and the apparent faults you see may only
be a reflection of your own deluded state of mind...If your guru
acted in a completely perfect manner he would be inaccessible and
you would be able to relate to him. It is therefore out of your
Guru`s great compassion that he may show apparent flaws... He is
mirroring your own faults".

The psychological pressure ist often increased by making the woman
swear vows of secrecy. In addition June Campbell was told
that "madness, trouble or even death" could follow if she did not
keep silent. "I was told that in a previous life the lama I was
involved with had had a mistress who caused him some trouble, and in
order to get rid of her he cast a spell which caused her illness
later resulting in her death.

There are those Buddhists, like Martine Batchelor - who spent 10
years as a Zen Buddhist nun in a Korean monastery and who now
teaches at Scharpham College - who insist the religious techniques
the Buddha taught can be separated from the sexist, patriarchal and
oppressive culture of many Buddhist countries.

But June Campbell is not convinced. "You have to ask what is the
relationship between belief and how a society structures itself,"
she said. In Tibetanism, power lies in the hands of men who had
often been traumatised by being removed from their mother at the age
of two and taken to an all male monastery. "Some were allowed visits
from their mothers and sisters but always in secrecy - so that they
came to associate women with what must be hidden".

But there is more to it, she believes than that. Teaching at
Sharpham last week she gave the students a whole range of material
about different kind of feminism - from the political to the
psychotherapeutic. She then asked them how it relates to the fact
that there are no female Buddha images or to why in Tantric sex
images the woman always has her back to the viewer, or to why
Buddhist women are told to pray that they will be reborn into a male
body in their next life -for only in a man`s body can they attain
full enlightenment.

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