On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Richard J. Williams
<willy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> John wrote:
> "Practically without exception he has chosen
> to staff his government at its highest levels
> with refugees from the Clinton years. This is
> emphatically true in the realms of foreign
> and economic policy. It would, in fact, be
> hard to find an original idea among the new
> appointees being called to power in those
> realms -- some way of looking at the American
> empire abroad or the structure of power and
> wealth at home that departs radically from
> views in circulation a decade or more ago...."

A life long Republican, I voted the Democratic party line out of
disgust and a desire for change.  We already see great changes.  The
One's idea of funding the rebuilding of infrastructure to stimulate
the economy (and making bridges and roads difficult if not impossible
to travel on for a year or two) is something new.  The One can supply
the new ideas and they can be implemented by his willing, eager and
highly qualified staff.  I am taking all of this on faith, something
I've never done before.  Before I would have decided that a green
Nobel Laureate Energy Secretary was way over the top.  Now I'm excited
by each day's announcements from The One.  He might fail, but he'll at
least have made things interesting for all of us.

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