TurquoiseB wrote:
> America is being treated like the third world
> bully it is. Get used to it. Bullies can only
> command "respect" as long as they are the 
> biggest kid on the playground. America can't
> even afford to attend the school any more, 
> much less dominate its playground...
As far as I'm concerned, Europe can defend itself 
from now on, if it can, which I doubt. Let's see 
them raise an army to fight off the Russians. 

Let's see how long the Europeans can last being 
dependent on Russian oil and gas. From what I've 
read, the Russians will be owning Europe in just 
a few years, if the Iranians don't blow the EU 
off the map before then. 

Does France even have an army anymore? 

The U.S. could make an alliance with India to wipe 
out the terrorists in Pakistan - who needs a bunch 
of feckless soldiers from Spain to fight a war? 

I'd vote to for the U.S. to pull out of NATO and 
let the EU fend for itself. We saved their butts 
three times already - maybe it's about time for 
the Europeans to defend themselves and raise an 
army of their own.

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