On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:21 PM, authfriend <jst...@panix.com> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "I am the eternal"
> Uh, no. Allow me to explain to you the facts of FFLife:
> Until a couple of months ago when raunchydog arrived
> on the scene, I was the *sole* supporter of Hillary
> Clinton on this forum. As far as everyone else was
> concerned, she was the Devil Incarnate, and I was her
> minion, subject to unbelievable abuse for daring to
> say anything postive about her (even to debunk false
> stories).
> Although most here have mellowed toward Hillary at
> least somewhat since her yeoman work for Obama in
> the presidential campaign, you'll still see from
> Barry, for example, the occasional screed denouncing
> raunchydog and me for having supported her.

Well, Judy, I'm not a lover of words and debate as you are but I not
only respect your being here on FFL, I'd be willing to offer up my
unused weekly post count to you because you do handle yourself with
restraint and strength.  I like the old saying that a lady is someone
who doesn't need to remind you that you're in the presence of one.
Same with someone who can hold their own in a discussion.   I think
that you and Raunch should be declared Senior Fellows of FFL and not
be bound by the post count because of the viewpoints that you and your
side kick represent here and the way you both present yourselves.  I
often admire you and Raunch the way I admire rotting fish in the
moonlight.  You shine, you shimmer and you stench is unmistakable.
But that's what makes for lively discussions.

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