On Dec 31, 2008, at 1:00 AM, sparaig wrote:

And maybe you are correct. However, regardless of the benefits or non-benefits of TM and the significance of the TC episodes during TM, there is STILL no published research on folk practicing other meditation techniques, that show
the same physiological signature.

Oh well.

What "physiological signature" are you referring to Lawson?

As has been explained many times here before, and by the neuroscientists who wrote The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness (and as would be obvious to any trained neuroscientist), alpha coherence (now considered an obsolete criterion) is ubiquitous in non- meditating humans, period, and so it is also a very non-specific. Just because you've been conditioned to believe that it has a significant meaning does not mean it is actually meaningful! If it was significant you'd be forced to assume that since Joe-and Jane-on- the-street are constantly experiencing the same level of alpha coherence in their day-to-day lives they'd be popping in and out of sahaj-samadhi all the time. And clearly that is NOT the case!

Actually when using appropriate controls, alpha "coherence" DECREASES during TM! Please see my previous post where this is scientifically demonstrated by independent scientists. Thanks. :-)

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