Peter wrote:
> Well, I finally got iTunes to load on my Windows XP platform. Got some cool 
> apps and some music. Went to download it to my iPhone. It asked me if I 
> wanted to upgrade to iPhone software 2.2 (was running 2.00). Sure, why not? 
> Huge mistake. The download crashed the phone. Had to recover it and of course 
> all media was erased. Now its constantly crashing when I try to call and the 
> on screen slider controls don't work. This is crazy. I've spent hours every 
> night trying to get this thing to work. Its a fucking phone, not a God damned 
> rocket ship!
> If it wasn't a gift, I'd return the idiotic thing. I forgot what a crappy 
> company Apple was. I knew there was a good reason why I switched to a PC 
> platform so many years back. Fuck Apple, fuck Steve Jobs that fucking genius 
> prick, fuck everybody and everything...Happy New Year!
Somewhere P.T. Barnum is smiling.

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