Interesting. I am curious though why Jason want the two opions of Paul and Bob, and not others? Are they especially suited to the quote somehow. I'm sorry Guys that I belittled your output. But uns_tressors urls seem to refer more to the Moron Movement mentality, that Bob espouses, and I'm not really sure what Paul has to do with anything in this regard. As for getting a straigh answer to something Ii don't recall Bob ever giving one that didn't merely come rebounding off one of his inner mental rubberbands. If you were tryin to get his to step outside of his mental house of cards then welcome to the club. Most of us have tried, and I think the concensus is that that way lies madness.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Think - Premanand Paul and Bob Brigante

--- In, "Llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> wrote:

> This is sound advice, but for my part,
> I would sooner die than follow it."
>       Hari Om,
> Would Premanand Paul and Bob Brigantte
> give their opinion on this please.??
With, Jai Guru Dev,
>   -------Why, who cares what they think?  I can tell you that my
having 37 jobs proves Bertrand correct. Freethinking and free opinion
are not wanted, and fear rules to the extent that those persons who
are patently wrong are still believed when they spend time kissing
ass. Time that could be better spent doing the job. The great irony is
that the geniuses are first to be kicked out or sent to the gulag, and
then the next best are given middle management positions where their
almost expertise can somewhat guide the next generation and finally
the truely mediocre fill up the ranks...

...and rise to their level of incompetence in
accordance with the "Peter Principle".

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