Bhairitu  wrote:
> In most other yogic traditions mantras 
> for the general public are either Shiva 
> or Shanti mantras because they are 
> considered "safe" to give anyone. Giving 
> "goddess" mantras is not considered safe 
> for just anyone. That may explain the 
> problems that I would say at least 20% of
> the practitioners experienced with TM.
There are millions of Buddhists in the 
yogic tradition in which the bija mantras of
Kwanyin, Tara, or Saraswati are given.

In Tantric Buddhism the personification
of 'Wisdom' is almost always Shakti.

That's because only the Shakti - Wisdom
aspect - can act for the benefit of the
yogic practitioner. 

Because in India the male aspect of the 
Absolute are given out as bijas - Shiva - 
at least 99% of the practitioners experience
problems, because Shiva is an aspect in
stasis - cannot act. 

Tantric Hinduism is a topsy-turvey tradition 
- all mixed up. But in fact, the Saraswati
bija is a Tantric Buddhist bija, which was
overheard by some baba's at a yoga camp meet.

The baba's, being stoned out to the max,
got all confused, and failed to even realize
that it is the Shakti that's brings the
'Shaktipat' - Shiva is static, can't do a
single thing without the Shakti - meditating
on Shiva's meme is a worthless endeavor. You
might as well repeat 'I bow down to Mahesh'.


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