> > Even *Maharishi* talked about the validity of drug
> > experiences, and used to give long talks on the
> > possibility that "soma" was a physical substance
> > that could have been ingested back in Vedic times.
> > 
> > I assume that JohnR would listen to those tapes
> > and decide that they "shouldn't be included as part 
> > of reality."  :-)
> Guru Dev also referred to such drugs and their abilities in his
> encounters with other ascetics during his time in the forest.
> "Various kinds of sidhhis are come to be seen 
> by means of drugs. When Iwas staying in the 
> jungles, on several occasions Kola and Bhil 
> (tribal peoples) came and informed me of the 
> properties of drugs. One time a Bhil brought 
> one such which would make a tiger senseless 
> who saw only a little of it from afar. By means 
> of drugs a human being can live several hundred 
> years. By means of drugs many siddhis can come. 
> So there are also drugs that give the strength 
> to fly for the one who put it in the mouth."
> [Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 35 of 108]
> translation - Paul Mason
> http://www.paulmason.info/gurudev/upadesh.htm#kaNa35

And you guys believe this to be true?  I thought you guys are 
skeptics.  Also, if these were true, how come Guru Dev and MMY died?  
They could've taken those drugs to live past a hundred years old.  I 
rest my case.

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