shempmcgurk wrote:
> Why do I try?
> Sigh.
> Bhairitu, why don't you go to Wikipedia or some other source (I've 
> already done this at least a dozen times here, probably half those 
> times for your benefit) and see what your federal government actually 
> spends money on.  Most of it is for social programs such as Social 
> Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and education.  These aren't "Bush's 
> cronies".
> Grow the fuck up.
We're waiting for you to grow up.  Nothing like trying to explain 
economics to a 10 year old.   :-D

All you've done is name "programs."  There is a big program called "The 
Iraq War" you conveniently left out.  Ever heard of Kellogg, Brown and 
Root?  Or how about Halliburton?   Cronies, cronies, cronies.  And that 
was just naming two.

Must feel strange being one dimensional?

>>  Democrats put forth programs that help the public.
> Yes, like Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac where the law is that you HAVE 
> to give loans to people who can't afford to pay them back.
> Tell me something, Bhairitu: if the Republicans were so 
> against "helping the public", as you put it, why then when they 
> controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency didn't they get 
> rid of all those programs INSTEAD OF INCREASING THEIR BUDGETS????
They would have loved to have gotten rid of them.   They learned they 
are not so easy to get rid of.
> And remember that the Democrat President Clinton signed the welfare 
> reform bill.
> Please do your fucking homework before you open you pie-hole (as 
> Richard would say).
You might use your brain before replying.  I don't have to do much 
homework as most people know the facts I stated but you apparently are 
not "most people" and live in an alternate universe of your own making 
where up is down and down up.

>>  And that 
>> will have to be done under Obama.
> Wha??????
> You mean after a 50+% increase in spending in these programs over the 
> past 8 years you want Obama to INCREASE the spending????
> Or just maintain them?
Get your head out of your ass.  What is Obama talking about anyway?  Job 
programs.  The programs you have mentioned are not "job programs."  Get 
with the program or at least the right ones.  :-D :-D :-D

But you "the selfish" would rather trip over homeless and dodge bullets 
from the postal unemployed that spare a few tax pennies to help them 
out.  Let's try some "trickle up" instead of that stupid "trickle down" 
that never worked anyway.
>>  However like Clinton he will try to 
>> get that deficit down though that may not be possible given the 
> damage 
>> that BushCo has done.  If I'm not mistaken you are not a "crony" of 
> Bush 
>> so you will do better under the Obama administration but it won't 
> happen 
>> overnight.
> Did you take a lot of drugs in the '60s?
What has that to do with anything?

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