--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, arhatafreespe...@... wrote:
> Mainstream
>  Actually, that's funny, I'm a registered conscientious objector as
well as an anti
> gun person.  But ----think the article is informative and
confiscating most of the
> Guns in the US is VERY anti spiritual.  Might be a paradox, but
there is too much
> real evil in this world -  hunamusas' (-gurdjief) -are real
'sociopaths' like Cheney and many many are very real!
> Arhata
>             Arhata -FFL's NRA presence. 
> Nationwide, ammunition sales are soaring, stoked by fear, created by
the NRA.
> In a perverse way, the NRA manipulated good gun owning Americans
when BHO emerged 
> on the national scene. Good meaning gun owners went to the local gun
stores and bought 
> everything on the shelves to stockpile.  Many of them believed the
country would 
> disintegrate into chaos, as well. 
> This NRA inspired post from Arhata is so out of character for FFL.
Perhaps Arhata receives 
> compensation from the NRA to spread such fear.  Not very
enlightening, in my mind.
  As this is being written, unarmed people are being exterminated
world wide as one could observe in the news.
   In the forties, some people wouldn't believe there were
concentration camps until they were in one.

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