--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2009, at 10:51 PM, billy jim wrote:
> > " - or that the siddhi program doesn't use Sanskrit?"
> >
> > I'm wondering where people got the idea that the various sutras  
> > should be used only in a Sanskrit form?
> Tat Whale Baba and his successor both insist they be done in  
> Sanskrit. They also insist the entire set be performed each day, and  
> the requisite other techniques the sutras require (which are oral or  
> upadesha instructions on inner yoga).

And you were there when Tat Wale Bab said this?

Seriously, MMY's techniques are what he decided would work based on
his understanding and intuition about the Yoga Sutras. I don't believe he's
ever claimed that Guru Dev taught him anything remotely like the TM-SIdhis
techniques, so why insist that they fit the bill of someone who didn't
learn from GUru Dev (as far as I know) anyway?


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