On Jan 30, 2009, at 7:11 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
Why not put yourself out of your misery and move to the countries in
the Mideast where they have their women under control?

Why indeed?

Many people are not threatened by a woman who has taken the time to
attract attention.  Latin cultures, Russian women, and Italians...I am
just going through the list of cultures who enjoy dressing to kill
even if they are going shopping.  They don't surrender to the American
impulse here to let themselves go and put on sweats when going to
stores here in DC.

Sorry we're such disappointments to you, Curtis. :)
But I have to admit, I Iove my comfy clothing and
shoes.  And I may be delusional, but I don't feel
any less attractive  than when I dressed like
you're describing.

I love it.

< why can't woman just go> through life without 'tempting' men
constantly through there choice of> dress,...

Predictably this creeps me out a bit.  I don't feel "tempted" when I
see a woman who dresses in a manner meant to attract.  I feel alive,
it is a blessing to see such a woman like a beautiful flower which
has, after all, the the same purpose. Some woman do it with class and
style and some are trying a bit hard but I salute the effort.  It
isn't easy.

Instead of fouling out of the game with the sourpuss Puritan program
do yourself a favor when you see a woman who has worked on her look.
Catch her eyes and with your biggest smile say:

"What a beautiful day."

She'll get the message without the creepiness of a direct compliment,
and she will bless you back with a smile of appreciation that says:

"Thanks for noticing.  My shoes are killing me but they look fabulous
don't they?"

You got it, many shoes are high-class torture.
Who needs waterboarding when you got those?

I know I am preaching as much as you are brother.  I got no high horse
vision here.  But your reaction is not only optional, it wastes one of
life's gifts.


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