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The Munay-Ki sacred transmissions will be offered to the Fairfield community
beginning February 8.  An information session will be given in the public
library starting at 2 pm, followed by the opportunity to receive the first
two rites.

The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the Peruvian shamanic
tradition. In the Quechua language, Munay is the term for the energy of the
heart center; we might translate Munay-ki as "love-in-motion". These
transmissions can assist you both in healing and in moving forward to who
you are becoming, sourcing from your destiny rather than from your past.
These rites come to us from the descendants of the great Inka nation. For
centuries they preserved their knowledge even in the face of European
invasion. In the latter part of the 20th century the Q'ero, Chimu and Moche
cultures began actively revealing their traditions to people outside their
immediate communities.

The rites transfer the seeds of healing and empowerment from this ancient
lineage to individuals today. These are gifted in seed form, and with
nurturing and attention they grow to support health, harmony and empowerment
at all levels.

Several Fairfield residents have been trained to offer the Munay-Ki, and
will offer them to all, without charge, in a series of meetings beginning
Sunday, February 8.  The two transmissions to be offered on Sunday are

The Healer's Rite. This rite initiates a deep current of healing in your
luminous energy field. It connects you to a lineage of Earthkeepers from the
past that come and assist you in your personal healing. It also launches an
energetic process that awakens your ability to bring ease, healing and
beauty to others.
The Bands of Power. This rite installs bands of protection in the Luminous
Energy Field that surrounds our physical bodies. As these bands take effect,
we are able to dismantle the other forms of protection we may have
unconsciously adopted, which restrict us and separate us from others.

Cielle and Jeffrey Backstrom and Michael Murphy invite you to receive these
Sunday, February 8  -  2:00pm   - Fairfield Public Library

For more information visit the web site at:


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