On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
It has *nothing* to do with what works in real life,
and is as much a fantasy as the "scriptures" it's
based on. You'd do better hiring a person who is
willing to actually work an eight-hour day diligently
to staff your team than to hire some poofter who
wants to take off to "do program" at 4:00 pm. You'd
also do better hiring the willing worker than you'd
do by hiring some blue-skinned elitist who can't
even drive a chariot by himself, and needs someone
else to do it for him. And who *then* feels it's
his "rightful place" to tell that chariot driver
how to live his life and who it is OK to kill in
the name of righteousness and who it is not. :-)

Barry, when I first moved here, it was a local joke...
if you want something done, and done well, don't
hire a meditator, hire a townsperson.  The meditators
mostly had a reputation for being lazy spoiled brats.

Now, of course, there are so few meditators left
it's become irrelevant.


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