--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <jpgil...@...>
> The last few times I taught TM I 
> got a question I had not prepared 
> for during teacher training. People 
> would ask, "What's that ringing in 
> my ears?" I figured the sound had 
> always been there, but the person 
> had never been quiet enough to hear 
> it. But then I read this in a recent 
> New Yorker:
>   "Some people with normal hearing 
>   develop spontaneous tinnitus when 
>   placed in total silence; this is 
>   believed to be a response of the 
>   auditory cortex to the abnormal 
>   absence of all ambient sounds."
>  - Jerome Groopman, "That Buzzing 
> Sound," The New Yorker, February 
> 9 & 16, 2009
> Anybody else here run across this 
> experience?

I have tinnitus and I am experiencing it right now.  I also have been
a meditator for 33 years and the tinnitus has never been a
distraction.  I just drink way too much coffee, my drug of choice,
which, I am sure, is the cause of the ringing.

My wife is a totally decaf person and has been for several years.  She
has no tinnitus that she is aware and has extremely good and sensitive
hearing, especially when compared to moi.  However, she does
occasionally report a buzzing sensation in some of her deeper
mediations.  I've never have had a good explaination of what could be
the source of that buzz ( the sound of the Universe?).

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