--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Hmmm, does the golden rule mean that a sado-masochist is being
> encouraged to go around spanking everyone?
> Always loop holes everywhere.
> I had a chemistry professor tell the class that the coloring 
schema of
> pills were one of the pharmacological industry's ways of 
> that each type was going to have a different effect.
> I said, "But, M&Ms, then, are almost singlehandedly counter-acting
> that effort."
> He looked at me with a sour face, but nodded a point my way.  Once
> again I'd interrupted his lecture with a conceptual pun that he was
> entertained by enough to allow the distraction. 
> That's how I do unto others.
> Explains a lot, eh?
> Edg 
don't you think the different colored m&ms all taste different as a 
result of their color? even though i know logically otherwise, they 
seem to...

more interesting to me is how they get that candy shell around the 
m&m so evenly-- why doesn't the shell material pool at the bottom of 
the m&m, or if it is a mold, why do you not see the seam lines? and 
for peanut m&ms, how do they get the chocolate an even thickness 
around each peanut without it pooling on the bottom, like it does 
with Brach's chocolate covered peanuts?

c'mon people, these are the questions of our generation!

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