--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > > On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
> > > 
> > > Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an honest, non-
> > > blissninny biography of Maharishi, told from the
> > > same "There were great moments, but there were
> > > also these moments over here that weren't so 
> > > great" perspective?
> > > 
> > > How long will it take before one gets written?
> > > *Will* one ever get written?
> > 
> > Someone could put together such a book just from
> > all the material posted on FFL. And certainly our
> > combined experience with him could result in such
> > a book.
> I completely agree, Rick, and along with 
> geezerfreak congratulate you once again
> on having created and maintained such a
> forum. It's one of the few forums on the
> planet where one *can* discuss TM and
> Maharishi and the whole TMO history with-
> out fear of reprisal.
> "TM defenders" go out of their way to
> demonize those who dare to tell the truth
> *as they saw it*.
> And why? Because they are AFRAID of the
> "book" that is Fairfield Life. They want it
> to GO AWAY, and stop revealing the "other
> side" of the pretense.
> I think in the long run it is conceivable
> that Fairfield Life may have helped to create
> more spiritual seekers who have achieved some
> balance in the world than the TM movement
> ever did. At least here they can speak their
> minds without fear of reprisal.
> Unless the Tom Palls and the Judy Steins and
> the Jim Flanegins and the Nabluses of the
> world have their way, that is. They want to
> make this place as repressive an environment
> and as unaccepting of Off The Program thought
> as the TM movement itself.

It sure isn't what *I* want, and I seriously
doubt it's what any of the others listed above
want either. There are other TM-related venues
on the Web that limit the discussion to On the
Program thought; we'd be participating in those
rather than FFL if that's what we enjoyed.

I'd be very disappointed if FFL "went away."
It's the constant clash of ideas and experiences
that makes it so interesting and entertaining.

I would also be thrilled if FFL could somehow
be made into a book, as long as it were
representative of a good cross-section of
the perspectives and debates here.

> Inquisitors the whole fucking lot of them,
> with the same tactics and the same mindset
> as the ones who tried to silence thought in
> the Middle Ages. Fuck them and the holier-
> than-thou, petty tyrant horses they rode in on.

But one has to wonder, given this kind of
vitriol, whether what at least some of the TM
critics want is a forum from which *TM defenders*
were excluded and only Off the Program thought
was permitted.

I tend to think such a forum would end up being
just as boring as those that permit only On the
Program thought.

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