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@ Do Nuns Die Virgins?
Do Nuns Die Virgins? - By Mavis Makuni

http://www.bishop- accountability. org

The Roman Catholic Church has suffered adverse publicity worldwide over the 
last few years after sordid tales of sexual abuse perpetrated by priests and 
bishops were unearthed in the United States and other countries..

In March 2002, the international news magazine Newsweek published a report 
under the headline, "Sins of the Fathers" which detailed how priests and 
bishops in different dioceses of the Catholic Church in the US had molested 
young boys and girls for about 50 years.

They had got away with these offences for so long because of an intricate 
cover-up strategy adopted by the church. This involved transferring culprits to 
dioceses where they were not well-known after complaints or whispers about 
their immoral and illegal behaviour.

The scandal was shocking in that the Catholic Church, which has one billion 
adherents worldwide, stood accused alongside secular organisations of covering 
up rape, child molestation and paedophilia.

The church's hypocrisy in pretending that priests and nuns adhered to their 
vows of celibacy when the widespread abuses exposed in press reports showed 
otherwise raised many questions.

One was why the church stuck to this doctrine if it was too difficult for some 
clerics to adhere to it.
The lifestyles of nuns and priests have always fascinated lay-people who have 
wondered whether it is humanly possible for mere mortals to overcome fleshly 
desires and stick to their vows of poverty and celibacy all their lives..

There have always been whispers about the sexual escapades of priests and nuns 
even here in Zimbabwe but these are always difficult to ascertain because of 
the aura of secrecy surrounding religious orders.

But lo and behold, the secret is out and it's official. The headquarters of the 
Catholic Church, the Vatican, has conceded that not all is well.

A number of reports have confirmed that thousands of nuns worldwide cannot keep 
their vows of chastity because they are raped or coerced into having sex by 
priests or bishops.

"The Holy See is dealing with the question in collaboration with the bishops, 
and with the International Union of Superiors General", said Papal spokesperson 
Joaquin. Navaro - Vallis.

Navaro - vallis, who was quoted in the National Catholic Reporter, added: 
"Certain negative situations cannot cause to be forgotten the frequently heroic 
fidelity of the great majority of male religious priests".

The Vatican statement was prompted by a report in the Italian daily newspaper 
La Repubblica about the scandal:
A number of reports written by senior members of women's religious orders have 
also confirmed that the sexual abuse of nuns by priests is a serious and 
prevalent problem.

In the 1990s Sister Maura O'Donohue a medical doctor, briefed Cardinal Eduardo 
Matinerz, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for religious life on a report 
she had written while she was the AIDS co-ordinator for the Catholic Fund for 
Overseas Development based in London.

In her report, quoted in the Catholic National Reporter, O'Donohue said the 
sexual abuse of nuns by priests had been documented in 23 countries, including 
Zimbabwe. The rest are Botswana, Burundi, Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, India, 
Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, 
South Africa, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tonga, Uganda, United States, Zambia and 

O' Donohue said she initially reacted with "shock and disbelief" at the 
magnitude of the problem.

"For example", she said, "a superior of a community of sisters in one country 
was approached by priests requesting that sisters be made available to them for 
sexual favours".

She said in some instances, some priests even advised sisters to take 
contraceptives, misleading them into believing that the pill prevented the 
transmission of HIV. 

Some Catholic medical professionals have complained of being pressured by 
priests to procure abortions for religious sisters impregnated by clerics.

In a similar report compiled in 1998, Sister Marie McDonald said that priests 
sometimes exploited the financial dependency of young sisters or took advantage 
of spiritual direction and the sacrament of reconciliation to extort sexual 

She said some of the factors that gave rise to these sexual indiscretions 
include the fact that celibacy and chastity were not important values in some 
countries and because of the inferior position of women in society and the 
church sisters found it impossible to turn down clerics who ask for sexual 
favours because priests are authority figures who must be obeyed.

"Moreover, they are usually more highly educated and they have received a much 
more advanced theological formation than sisters," she said.

The priests could also use false theological arguments to justify their 
behaviour, such as, "We are both consecrated celibates. That means we have 
promised not to marry. However, we can have sex together without breaking our 

In another report. O'Donohue noted that celibacy could have different meanings 
in different cultures. She cited the example of a vicar general in an African 
diocese who gave a different view of celibacy. "Celibacy in the African context 
means a priest does not get married but does not mean he does not have children"

According to the National Catholic Reporter, if a nun became pregnant she was 
the one who was asked to leave the congregation while the priest responsible 
could continue with his ministry..

In some cases, priests had relationships with several women, some of them the 
wives of church members.

"In such circumstances husbands are angry about what is happening but are 
embarrassed to challenge their parish priests".

Last year a newspaper in the U.S State of Missouri, the St.. Louis 
Post-Dispatch, published a report showing that 34,000 nuns had suffered sexual 

Researchers at the university of St. Louis, who conducted the survey on which 
the report was based said, the sisters were sexually abused by priests or other 

Last month, Associated Press reported on a lawsuit in which six plaintiffs in 
Louisville claimed that they were abused by Roman Catholic nuns while living in 
an orphanage in Anchorage in the 1905s and 1960s.

This means that although O'Donohue and McDonald's reports depict nuns as the 
victims of predatory priests and bishops, they themselves are not blameless.

O'Donohue said the AIDS pandemic had drawn attention to issues which may not 
have had much significance in the past. "The enormous challenge which AIDS 
poses for members of religious orders and the clergy is only now becoming 

Observers quoted in the Catholic National Reporter said in the wake of these 
embarrassing revelations, the Roman Catholic Church was taking steps to address 
the problem.

A Benedictine leader in Rome said, "Several monasteries already have guidelines 
in case a monk is accused of sexual misconduct, taking care of the individuals 
concerned, the victim included. We need sincerity and justice".

A Vatican official who spoke to the National Catholic Reporter anonymously said 
the culture in the Roman Catholic Church was changing. "The response from 
church leaders is more aggressive and swift and in general there is a climate 
within religious life that these things have to be discussed. Talking about it 
is the first step towards a solution".

Behind Locked Doors @ http://www.reformat monk.html

BBC's Documentary @ http://www.smh. world/italy- screens-controve 
rsial-pedophile- documentary/ 2007/06/01/ 1180205462935. html

Ex-nun's confessions set to rock Church @ http://sites. 
site/hindunew/ conversions 











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