--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...>
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:14 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >
> > You're being a bigot, Doug, and an ignorant one to
> > boot. Let it go. You're not going to win. Science is
> > going to win in the long run, and tolerance, and a
> > growing perception that among ALL of the drugs that
> > society uses to get through the day -- caffeine,
> > tobacco, alcohol, and so many pills that over half
> > of the adult population of the U.S. is on a regular
> > prescription for some kind of antidepressant -- pot
> > has the least bad side effects and causes the least
> > amount of permanent damage.
> Not to mention that chocolate supposedly has more
> caffeine than coffee...something all the loonies ranting 
> about how bad that is for you usually forget.

Remember the old Sanka commercial: 
"99% caffeine free." What they failed
to mention is that regular coffee is
98% caffeine free. Caffeine is a very
powerful molecule; a little goes a 
long way. Modern water-decaffeinated
coffee contains about half the caffeine
than regular coffee, but still enough
to boost your BP measurably. In a way,
"decaf coffee" is like "heroin light." 

> Frankly, after this latest rant I just think
> Doug needs a long vacation.  Ar first I
> really thought it was satire.  And as
> satire, it would be great.

Obviously, given the apology I posted 
earlier for getting my buttons pushed, 
the same thought occurred to me. I 
really *hope* that it's satire.

Lest the Nabbys and the Jims and the 
Judys of the world "pile on" to my own-
ing up to toking up when I'm in Amsterdam
(even though I've said so many times 
before), I'm really not an "over-doer"
on *anything*. I have at most one cup of
coffee a day, in the morning, it takes me
a week to go through a bottle of red wine
at home, and I *never* have more than 3
drinks when out with my friends, even 
during Carnival. And I don't "toke up" 
here even though marijuana use is
tolerated in Spain. 

I just can't take the "holier than thou"
shit some supposedly "spiritual" people
on this forum spout. 

I mean, we are talking about an organization
that can legitimately be called a cult, one
that *in the name of spirituality* has done
illegal, immoral and *unthinkable* things to
its own members. I don't know any long-term
potheads who treat their supposed friends
and colleagues that way. Among the people I
know here or back in the U.S. who occasionally
smoke a little reefer I can count three MDs,
four nuclear scientists from the Sandia Labs
at Los Alamos, a Zen Master of note who smokes
up once a year religiously just to see what 
it's like and to shift his assemblage point
from the same old same old, and dozens of
practitioners of Eastern spirituality and
the meditative arts. Not ONE of these people 
has ever treated his friends and neighbors 
the heartless and cruel ways that I regularly 
saw TMers treat each other in the TM movement.

So if you're asking me which should be illegal --
pot or TM -- it's a pretty clear call for me.

Some dopers get stupid and lazy. Some TMers
get not only stupid and lazy but elitist and
nasty and hypocritical about being those things. 

If marijuana is a "gateway drug" to lazy and
stupid, give me that any day over what seems
to be a "gateway drug" to being stupid, lazy,
elitist, nasty, hypocritical, and devoid of

Some TMers can obviously "handle" TM, and find
a way to NOT turn stupid, lazy, elitist, nasty,
hypocritical and devoid of compassion. There-
fore I tolerate it. 

Some dopers -- such as the people I listed --
can obviously "handle" a toke now and then 
without showing any ill effects. Therefore I
tolerate it, too. 

But I'm telling you...it takes a lot more work
to be tolerant of TMers when they go on a 
"righteousness bender" than it does dopers 
when they have one hit too many.

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