Yep, it's the "supreme being" who did it. It was His fault, not mine.
The gunas are run by Ishvara and in all cases beings follow their own
nature - all at the command of the One. This is why we need the idea of
a cosmic ruler - so we can remain blameless.

Those poor Buddhists. They don't have any karmic dispensation like we
do. They can't say "god made me do it" because for them karma rules all.
To bad, they can only blame themselves. Of course they don't have a self
so in the end it all just happens on its own.

--- In, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:

> "The will of the supreme being cannot be transgressed. It is his will
that I should be like this and the others should be as they are. One
cannot fathom nor measure what has to be. In accordance with the nature
of each being, that which is to be comes to be."

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