Mysticism and Self Realisation

Hello, thought I would pop in for my last annual visit to this happy
hunting ground for good will and peace to all mankind.  I shall be
kicking the bucket soon so I thought I would say cheerio.  So, a last
message from a weasoned world weary old fart…

If a newbie came and told me that he or she was interested in mysticism
and seeking the realisation of the SELF, then my advice to them would be
– DON'T. Just in case they find it.

Or if they did get involved, and if they did happened to find it (which
is plainly very rare anyway) then my advice to them would be never ever
talk about it.  But as we are best loved here for keeping it short then
I will leave it at that.

Keep off drugs, keep the wolves from your door and keep the woman in
your bed, and keep smiling.


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