"Robert" wrote:
> Perhaps he should have an astrological advisor, like Nancy Reagan 
> had...
> Nancy wouldn't do anything, without consulting her astrologer first.
> I know President Obama and his wife, probably aren't into such things, 
> but, it sometimes helps to consult a good witch.
> R.G.

I operated a 900 line back when Psychic Friends Network was going full
steam.  The company I used was West Interactive which I believe also
hosted the PFN.  Whatever, but this company made me keep a HUGE
percentage of the money I collected in a reserve fund in case my 900
line suddenly got a lot of deadbeats who didn't pay the fees.


Because the PFN was experiencing, get this, 70 - 90% non-payment for
their services.  

It turned out that the telephone companies refused to collect the
money and would not shut off a person's phone line for lack of paying
the "900 line expenses" portion of the bill.  If they paid everything
else, they kept their line.  In other words, the message was clear:
call any 900 line you want and you don't have to pay.

I was not an insider for PFN, and I don't know if West Interactive was
racist, but it was told to me that most of the defaults were coming
from telephones in the African American neighborhoods.  And why not?
-- it was Dionne Warwick hawking the services, so, naturally, her
easiest marks were folks who identified with her.

This telephone company refusal to collect the fees is credited with
killing the 900 industry.

Now, I don't think I have clarity, but from this kind of reporting, it
could be concluded that the African American community has a stronger
resonance with psychic offers than other groups -- on the other hand,
maybe any group that's mostly under the poverty line will be tipped
into grasping at straws in some manner.  I feel like I'm skating on
thin ice to even broach this concept, but I wanted to share my
business history with this phenomenon and then suggest that Obama
might be far more likely to hire a psychic than you suspect -- Obama
may have had many of his family and friends use the PFN, and maybe he
was saturated with positive reports about such.

And, as we all know here, despite our massive intellects, all of us
too grasped at straws in just such a manner.

And miss not that if Obama is to succeed, he'll definitely need a miracle.

Let's write an open letter to Obama and suggest that he have
consultations with Swami Beyondananda.


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