--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Think about it. Then think of the history of
> the TM movement. Going from "#1 market share" 
> in the world of meditation to being able to
> market TM *ONLY* to kids who are being PAID
> to learn it? 

Sorry. Before Judy spontaneously combusts,
I meant to say "able to market only to kids
and their parents who are having their TM 
courses PAID for by someone else." 

As far as I know, the TM movement does not pay 
the kids to learn TM. They only do that for
people to bounce on their butts in Fairfield. 
And then they write emails complaining that
not enough people are bouncing on their butts. :-)

Again, to reiterate my point, THESE are the
people who are going to be implementing David
Lynch's noble idea. You *KNOW* it's only a 
matter of time until some local Raja insists
on being able to visit one of these "quiet
time" groups, *in costume*. You *KNOW* that
within a year of learning TM some of these
kids are going to be badgering their parents
for more money for the "next course," and 
then the next, and the next... 

People who have the "Yes, Maharishi...anything
you say, Maharishi" mentality enough to pay a
second time for Teacher Training are just *by
definition* not the most clueful individuals
on the planet. If there is a way to fuck this
noble idea up, they're going to find it. And
given the history of the TM movement, if they
manage to teach TM in 100 schools, they'll 
find 100 *different* ways to fuck it up.

And the result will be the same in the U.S.
school systems as what "TM science" has done
for "meditation science." All forms of medi-
tation will be tainted by the TM fuckups.

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