--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe Smith" <msilver1...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > I love the mezzo voice, and the parts seem to be more
> > interesting, more character. What roles does she sing?
> > Have you had a chance to see her perform?
> Fort Collins is 40 minutes from the university so
> anytime she performs, I go and attend. She performed
> with the TEATRO LIRICO D’EUROPA in Germany and was
> able to join them again last month when they came
> through Colorado last month.

That's an excellent company, I've heard.
> http://www.vilarpac.org/vpac/press-center.aspx?mode=detail&id=vpac09_3
> Her role in Aida which they performed was one of the
> chorus, these were the slave girls of the queen.
> Freshman-sophomore students generally end up in chorus
> positions, lead roles generally offered to seniors or
> graduate students but this year, her third, she's been
> offered a lead role in Pirates of Penzance as one of
> the sisters,

Neat--that's either Edith, the role I had in the Oberlin
production of Pirates when I was there, or Kate.

Just for the heck of it, here's me as Edith, more
than 45 years ago:


(I'm hardly an opera singer; I had just barely enough
of a voice to sing the mezzo roles in amateur G&S
productions; and I was a mezzo only by virtue of not
having any high notes!)

Your daughter should have great fun with this role.

> did an opera scene as Carmen, mezzo role, was Hansel
> in Hansel and Gretel which she did well.

First opera I ever saw, as a little kid.

> They have a woman's glee club which is the largest
> in the US, 120 girls and sounds remarkable. Each year,
> the university puts together a Gala which shows off
> every department in the music major from jazz, opera
> to symphony. At the end of the concert, they combine
> the symphony with the chorus, for example Handel's
> Messiah. It's unbelievable. The whole music program
> is fantastic because there's only a few hundred people
> in the entire music major,

Sounds like a fabulous program. What great experience
and training for her.

> everyone is friendly and you don't have that cut throat
> competition

Awful metaphor for singers!

> that you may find in the eastern schools. That's not to
> say that it's not competitive, you just don't find razor
> blades in the piano keys. (a rumor started about
> Julliard)

Sheesh, never heard that. Hope it wasn't true.
I do remember hearing gossip about nasty competition
at the Oberlin Conservatory, but nothing like that.

> The directors are amazingly talented, this one guy who
> puts the opera productions together is very talented.
> Melissa Malde, the voice teacher has done a lot of work
> with her for almost four years now.

That's terrific. How fortunate you live in the area.

Do you sing?

> http://www.arts.unco.edu/pva/faculty/bios/malde.html

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