"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

A poem, in free verse, composed entirely of snippets from the
works of our Most Important Poster:

An inflated sense of her own ability
to affect other people

you almost gotta feel bad
about having to set him straight
his confusion on this point is amusing enough
but it gets even better
it's because he's hopelessly confused
as he would have realized if
he'd been reading my posts with any attention
he genuinely doesn't understand
this shortcoming
along with his fanatical bias against me
is responsible for the series of howlers
in his current spate of posts
his many attacks on me this past week
were a function of his freakout
this is his fantasy, not the reality
I never lie

I just love the way she is afraid
even of quoting me
man, how insecure do you have to be??
as usual, it's her who doesn't know
what she's talking about
she is afraid
her own sour and significantly ignorant view
poor stupid her
she leaves herself open to making
so many more idiotic mistakes
than she really has to
by reading only responses to my posts
rather than my posts themselves
she not only swims around in the barrel waiting
to be shot, she bedecks her fins
with bright flashing neon lights
she's going to steal the
Master of Inadvertent Irony crown for sure
as she knows (unless she's smoking dope
and her memory isn't working properly)
she is hallucinating again where I'm concerned
perhaps you should go back to my original post and
see what my point was, rather than introducing
all kinds of irrelevances

Non Sequitur City
it's quite astonishing
how often the TM critics here fog up
even without the benefit of drugs
please look up the word in Mr. Dictionary
over-the-top demonization is a sign
that something just isn't right in the heads
of those indulging in it

betcher boots
I've always loathed phonies
I keep telling
the truth and make you look bad
you did your level best and failed miserably
all this was precipitated by my having owned *you*
the meltdowns all along have been yours, not mine
yes, I will continue to expose your lies,
hypocrisy, and illogic as long as you
continue to indulge in them
and you'll continue to go mad
with frustration and rage
it's appalling to me that
folks here treat you as if you were
a decent human being
when you so obviously are not
the people on alt.m.t had more of a sense
of ethics than the folks here
nonetheless, I shall persevere

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