--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> TM didn't help his marriage any.

Marriage is for weak souls lacking self-suffiency. Independent and strong souls 
stay far away from such foolishness.

>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: nablusoss1008 
>   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:37 PM
>   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Howard Stern to appear in 4'th April concert
>     a.. AWEARNESS 
>     b.. Shop Kenneth Cole 
>   Well-Being 
>   Howard Stern and Transcendental Meditation
>   Raunchy radio star Howard Stern has -- believe it or not -- copped to being 
> a student of Transcendental Meditation for years. That doesn't explain why he 
> feels the need to run a mini-radio empire based on people who make bad 
> decisions in life. Still, every morning -- at 4 am -- and night he clears his 
> head and meditates. Stern credits the practice with helping him quit smoking 
> and achieve his goals in radio. He also announced on his Sirius show last 
> week that he will appear at Hollywood director David Lynch's "Change Begins 
> Within" concert at Radio City Music Hall on Saturday, April 4. Also appearing 
> are Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Eddie Vedder, Donovan, Sheryl Crow, Ben 
> Harper, Moby, Bettye Lavette, Paul Horn and Jim James. 
>   The event's goals are to "raise funds to teach one million at-risk children 
> to meditate -- giving them life-long tools to overcome stress and violence 
> and promote peace and success in their lives." The David Lynch Foundation 
> advocates meditation -- the TM Quiet Time program -- in schools as a means to 
> increase academic performance and attention span. To that end the foundation 
> provides scholarships for students in grades 6-12. From Associated Content:
>     David Lynch and other proponents of TM suggest that students who spend 
> 15-20 meditating each morning experience better concentration in school, 
> better academic performance and lower incidences of depression and anxiety. 
>     Despite Howard Stern's repeated self-proclamations that he is the "King 
> of All Media," he rarely makes live appearances in public outside of his 
> radio show. Stern stated that he originally considered declining Lynch's 
> offer to appear because of his discomfort about appearing in public, but 
> changed his mind because he believes in the cause so strongly. He also stated 
> that Transcendental Meditation helped to reduce his mother's symptoms of 
> depression.
>   Learn more about the concert at DLF.tv. Information on transcendental 
> meditation scholarships can be found here.

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