--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jimjim5886" <jimjim5...@...> wrote:
> I'am trying to save your soul! You have been decieved 
> by the devil and are blind to the truth! I'am gods 
> prophet in Rev. 11 and Zechariah 4. I'am the reincarnation 
> of the prophet Elijah, also James Zebedee! I'am here to 
> forewarn you of your impending doom! If you don't listen 
> to me you will be cursed by God as in Malachi 4:6....    

Yeah, but can you recite the checking notes
by heart? And can you repeat the words of
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi by heart, even though
you never met him?

If you can't do that, you're shit. 

Old shit. 

Low-vibe shit. 

Covered-with-flies shit. 

Shit that embarrasses other shit.

Ye know not to whom ye speak, O prophet. Ye
speakest not to mere humans but to the Saviors
Of The World. Christ was shit by comparison. 

Did *he* (or *He* if you prefer) ever grace
the planet with his/His cosmic Woo Woo Rays
every time his enlightened butt cheeks raised
themselves from the polyeurethane? I think 
not. He lived when they were so backwards
that they didn't even *have* polyeurethane.
I rest my case. 

You and yer Biblical prophets are mere turds
in the punchbowl of life compared to us. We
are **TMers**, the Most Important People On
The Planet. We are cognizant of the Home Of
All The Laws Of Nature. We piss from on high
on yer Bible. It is mere allegory pilfered
from Greek legends compared to the majesty
and eternal Cosmic Wisdom of our Vedas.

We have **Beatles** among our midst. You've
got what...Anita Bryant and Stephen Baldwin?

And your "God" is mere shit, too, compared to
the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. And
compared to the guy who lives on a higher plane 
than any of them, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

Dare I prove it? You fear Satan, right? That
means that you aren't invincible. Anyone who 
isn't invincible is shit. Just ask the Raja
who tried to tell that to modern-day Germans.
He didn't take any of their low-vibe, covered-
with-flies shit, either.

Can you levitate? Walk on water? We can. (Any
day now.) 

Do you know the super-secret mantra used to
appease Shiva so that he doesn't moonwalk all
over your ass and smush you into roadkill on
a Kentucky highway before the rednecks get
to it? We do. 

Do YOU spend tens of thousands of dollars to
get brown-skinned boys to pray to the gods on
your behalf while you're busy making a living?
I think not. Chrisschuns never did learn to
multitask the way we did. 

Threaten US with doom, will you? Well just sic
Mahaaja Ramalamadingdong on yer ass and he'll 
get Vedic on yer ass. 

Ye know not who ye messeth with. 

Learn a little humility. You are in the company
of your betters. 

And we say that with all humility.

Have a nice day,

Jai Guru Dev

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