Normal   0          What a nice fricative-guttural, finished off with the 
prime utterance. This must be part of the newly discovered american veda. Yep, 
it's a real sound of wonder - "FuckAh!" It make you want to become a cantor in 
the american vedic church doesn't it?
 In that old epic, Krishna and Arjuna were kshatriya. What a shame. Poor Arjuna 
and Krishna were just slaves to the gunas weren't they? They couldn't stop 
killing. Rajas uber alles.
 Even worse! Arjuna unknowingly contested with Shiva (who took up the form of a 
hunter in the forest) in shooting at a wild boar. Poor Shiva Sharva, the Archer 
who killed a boar. He must not have heard of PETA yet. He must have been a 
slave of the gunas too.
 Poor Rama, he put Dharma before love of Sita. If he had been a Vaishya instead 
of a Raja he could have bought off the washerman who slandered his wife. But he 
couldn't even kill his slanderous subject. He must have been weak. But what 
else could you expect from a Raja constrained by satyam, ritam, brihat? Dharma 
- it's just so inconvenient.
  And that old filthy intellect – emotion’s oozing whore. 
  Everyone look out! What a heartless objective hammer to pound down the 
relativities and then throw towards us! I had to duck. But at last, finally, it 
can now be told!
  The edgerunner was alone in the forest of uncertainty with his little 
tag-along whore. Then whooaa! She turns out to be Durga herself, in tutelage to 
the edgerunner – a rishi level intellect free of influence from emotion or 
obscuration. How else to explain how a human being could even notice the 
possibility of objectivity – seeing they can never go beyond human 
  But wait! I just got it! Sorry I’m so stupid that it took me this long. It’s 
Deus ex Machina. Only here the Deus is edgerunner himself. 

Gosh, oh gee. What is the sound of one hand striking the forehead?


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