
"The ancient sounds of Dhrupad, the primordial music of the Vedic
civilization of India, once reverberated in temples and courts, yet
nearly fell silent over many centuries. A recent concert has given the
venerable art form new breath and the promise of a school to preserve
the great tradition.

Dhrupad, the earliest form of Ghandarva Veda music
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utilizes the dynamics of sound reverberating inside the body to enliven
the subtlest levels of consciousness. Pandit Ashish Sankrityayan, a
master Dhrupad singer, recently performed in MERU, Holland before an
assembly of leaders of the Global Country of World Peace
> —the worldwide educational organization established by Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
tml> , Founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme
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Using Vedic
mantras—sounds which have no literal meaning—to produce precise
vibrations, the singer also performs specific gestures, called mudras,
which direct the energy of the sounds within the body. Said Pandit
Sankrityayan, 'Dhrupad uses the power of sound and movement to operate
at a very subtle level of 'no sound'—prana—which is primordial

'In ancient times, Dhrupad was performed to enliven the fine level of
intelligence of the Rajas and the collective consciousness of the
people, the fine level of intelligence that keeps everything
administered according to Natural Law,' said the Global Country of World
Peace leader who invited Pandit Sankrityayan to Holland.

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