--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii...@...> wrote:
> I don't get it...
> How could Easter be described as the 'Holiest of Days?'
> The guy gets crucified, by Rome and the Jewish puppets of Rome.
> They later change the story to blame the Jews for his death.
> Then they claim his tortured crucifixion is a holy thing?
> Seems to me that would be the un-holiest thing I can think of.
> Let's see if we can come up with some other 'Holy Days'?
> November 11, 1963; December 8, 1980; April 4, 1968...
> Religion, what a crazy thing!
> R.G.  Madison, WI

The holy thing is that he came back from the dead.  Otherwise the story would 
be pointless.

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