--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, drpetersutphen <drpetersutp...@...> wrote:
> This discussion around intellectual dishonesty is interesting, but I'm more 
> interested in the term'hysterical" what do you mean by it's use? It's just a 
> non-explanitory term like saying people who see UFO's are hypnotized. WTF 
> does that mean?

I used it as shorthand for my impressions in my initial post that led to this 
discussion. I don't find it as imprecise as saying "hypnotized" as I meant it 
in the dictionary sense of an uncontrolled emotional reaction arising out of 
the circumstances.  But to be clear, I am not talking about some mental 
disorder.   I fleshed things out a bit when I talked about reasons people could 
be exhibiting certain behaviors when learning yogic flying.  I mentioned group 
pressure and suggestibility, as well as other things.  For example, you get a 
group together on a high intensity course,  with certain expectations that 
something just might happen, and they paid a lot for that something, and 
someone shouts, or barks it can be infectious. And then justification can 
proceed from there.  Given the wide variability of how people behaved at 
courses, and how this changed after people were told that they didn't need to 
make noise, this seems a reasonable explanation.  

Similarly, when you get certain sects of Christians together and they pray and 
chant and one person suddenly starts speaking gibberish, it can be infectious.  

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was not infected. 

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