Public schools in St. Johns County, Florida have been infiltrated by 
Christianist radicals from the top of the organization down, leaving the 
community in an uproar and the school district in federal court.

The trouble started when several teachers at Webster Elementary School in St. 
Augustine decided this little ditty, "In God We Still Trust" by the country 
music group Diamond Rio, should be sung by third graders in their annual 
assembly at the end of the year.

Parents of several children objected to the song, which calls for an end to 
separation of church and state through a Christian uprising.

Now there are those among us
Who want to push him out
And erase his name from everything
This country's all about
>From the schoolhouse to the courthouse
They're silencing his word
Now it's time for all believers
To make our voices heard

The parents were told their children didn't have to sing this song. There's 
just one little catch. If they chose to abstain they would be barred from 
participation in the entire program. Cue up the first lawsuit.

Only upon being informed the suit was filed did the school district pull the 
song from the program. But not without whining in a press release first.

Even after a judge ruled that the school violated the First Amendment rights of 
the students and parents, teachers and administrators still didn't get it

"This is obviously someone again using the school system 
(as well as taxpayers' money to defend the lawsuit) for 
their own personal agenda," [said Superintendent Joseph 
Joyner]. "Unfortunately, this is not unusual and distracts 
us from our mission."

The nature of Joyner's "mission" is the issue. The superintendent and other 
county notables, including the sheriff, tax collector, and members of the 
state's attorneys office, belong to the steering committee of a group called 
"The Marketplace," whose flagrant goal is to bring Jesus into the office.

The purpose of The Marketplace is to help men and women 
fulfill their call right in their own place of work. To 
realize that their workplace IS their ministry…

Where do the majority of people spend the majority of 
time interacting with the majority of unsaved people? 
…it is where most people spend 60-70% of their waking 
hours – the workplace. 

If we are going to see our society changed for Jesus 
Christ we will have to change the way we equip believers 
to live out their faith where they spend a majority of
their time. 

If you thought there was a "wait, there's more" coming, you're right.

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