The Obama Administration will put forth new peace
initiatives only if Israel wants it to, said Foreign
Minister Avigdor Lieberman in his first comprehensive
interview on foreign policy since taking office.

"Believe me, America accepts all our decisions,"
Lieberman told the Russian daily Moskovskiy Komosolets.

~~ Haaretz Newspaper in Israel

[What is this man smoking?]

~Netanyahu Government Tells Obama What He Can Do With His Peace Plan~ 

MJ Rosenberg - Washington Director of Policy Analysis, Israel Policy Forum - 
April 22, 2009 -

There can be no doubt: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not much care 
what President Obama thinks about negotiations with the Palestinians. He seems 
to be making the same mistake that Obama's opponents in the 2008 election made. 
He thinks Obama is a lightweight and that he can just roll him.

It's pretty incredible considering that President Obama leads the nation that 
is Israel's lifeline. The whole world is lining up to cooperate with the new -- 
and incredibly popular -- President, but not the new Israeli government.

Yesterday, speaking at the White House, Obama expressed, yet again, his strong 
commitment to the two-state solution and added that the United States is 
resolved to see action now. He called on Israelis and Palestinians to take 
"some concrete steps all parties can take that are evidence of that resolution. 
The United States is going to deeply engage in this process to see if we can 
make progress."

The Israeli government's response: fuggetaboutit.

Today's Washington Post quotes Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon as saying 
that "the new Israeli government will not move ahead on the core issues of 
peace talks with the Palestinians until it sees progress in U.S. efforts to 
stop Iran's suspected pursuit of a nuclear weapon and limit Tehran's rising 
influence in the 
region," (Post's words).

"It's a crucial condition if we want to move forward  If  we want to have a 
real political process with the Palestinians, then you can't have the Iranians 
undermining and sabotaging," Ayalon said. Israeli newspapers reported other 
officials with similar rejections of Obama's entreaty.

Pretty incredible. One of the reasons Obama is so eager to settle the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict is because he understands that doing so will help 
the United States address the Iran issue without going to war. And here the 
Israeli government takes the American approach and stands it on its head. Talk 
about sabotaging.

I guess Netanyahu is counting on pro-Israel organizations in America to line up 
behind him and not Obama. He is wrong. Someone needs to tell him that Barack 
Obama is more important than Avigdor Lieberman and the settler bloc. Maybe it 
should just be Obama.

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