A light-hearted look at discipline as some of us experienced it with another 
group which was much more open about its discipline procedures than our beloved 
TMO - parochial school nuns up to the late 60's - early 70's.

Here is a brief story from the book "Don't Chew Jesus". For those who did not 
have the wonderful experience of going to parochial schools, this story is not 
as far-fetched as it may seem.

The most impressive discipline tactic I have ever witnessed was one favored by 
Sr. Isadora, my tenth-grade geometry teacher.  She looked as if she spent most 
of her free time in a weight room and walked with a confident swagger that came 
from knowing that none of us could outrun her. 

Boys were required to wear dress shirts and ties to school. Sister would grab 
boys by their ties, yank them out of their seats, and pull their faces close to 
hers so she could whisper, "Ya wanna play with your teeth?"


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