-Fun Avataric atrocities, kill a cow pay a big price, for the good of the order:

A haihaya King Kartavirya Arjuna (Sahasrarjuna - purportedly with a thousand 
arms) and his army visited Jamadagni, a Brahmin sage, who fed his guest and the 
whole army with his divine cow Kamadhenu. The king demanded the magical cow. 
Jamadagni refused because he needed the cow for his religious ceremonies. King 
Kartavirya Arjuna (Sahasrarjuna) took the cow forcibly and devastated the 
ashram. Angered at this, Parashurama killed the king's entire army and, after 
cutting each one of his thousand arms, the king himself with his axe. As a 
revenge, the King's sons killed Jamadagni in Parashurama's absence.

Furious at his father's murder, Parashurama killed all sons of Sahasrajuna and 
their aides. His thirst for revenge unquenched, he went on killing every adult 
Kshatriya on earth, not once but 21 times, filling five ponds with blood. 

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> http://www.iheartchaos.com/content/18-fun-atrocities-straight-bible-more-you
> -know

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