On May 10, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan <no_re...@...> wrote:

I like the DL (did I spell it right?). He is a sweet gentle man,
and appears to have good insights. And a sense of humor.  However,
if he has the power of pacification, why does he not use it on the
Chinese leaders -- who upon pacification will grant and celebrate
autonomy, if not freedom, to/for Tibet? Why does he go for small
fish like Ekland. Why doesn't he at least pacify Vaj via
transmission and root out his anger?

From my own experiences, a teacher's spiritual transmission isn't necessarily universally received. I think a person has to have some degree of attunement with the teacher for that subtle connection to be made. In my own experience with Waking Down, I didn't "connect" with Saniel Bonder the way I did with Pascal Salesses. And, I have none of the woo-woo experiences that some people have when getting a hug from Ammachi.

I initially experienced nada from Ammachi, until I had the recognition that she was at the level of shakti. Instantly on that recognition, there was an acknowledgment from her, which was interesting that the recognition seemed reciprocal.

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