Questions and Answers
Q. For more than 20 years Maitreya's public emergence did not take
place because there had to be a worldwide stock-market crash first.
Maitreya forecast a crash in 1988. Finally there is a stock-market
crash, and people around the world now can see the need for change that
Maitreya calls for. Still there is no public emergence. Now there is a
`star' in the sky heralding his appearance, but there has to be
a public debate about the meaning of the `star' before his
emergence can take place. I don't understand why there seems to be a
new condition now for Maitreya's emergence. Can you explain why this
is happening?

A. As you say, Maitreya did indeed forecast, in mid-1988, a world
stock-market crash which He said would begin in Japan. In 1989 the
Nikkei stood at 40,000 points. It suddenly collapsed to 7,000 points.
Today it hovers around 10,000 points. Maitreya called the Japanese
prosperity up till 1989 "a `bubble' which inevitably would
burst". This was followed by the collapse of the markets in the
countries of the Pacific rim: Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Indonesia. Then the markets collapsed in Russia, Brazil, Mexico and
Argentina. America and Europe have survived a series of
`near-miss' collapses until the latest debacle. Do you really
imagine that Maitreya can emerge the very next day? What He has given is
a "star-like luminary of brilliant power" as a Sign, a Herald of
His Return. He desires that there should be open discussion on media to
create a general expectation of His Emergence. I have not said that His
Emergence depends on that. It does not, but obviously it would alert
millions to what is happening. You know about and, impatiently, expect
to see and hear Maitreya but billions of people do not. Do they not also
have the right to know? What better way to tell them about Maitreya and,
at the same time, affirm the reality of the Space Brothers and their
spaceships, the so-called UFOs?

People know nothing of the hugeness of this enterprise, nor of the laws
which govern it. They desire something and are impatient to experience
their desire fulfilled. But what do they do to help to bring it about?
Generally, little or nothing. As Maitreya says: "Nothing happens by
itself. Man must act and implement his will."

My colleagues and I have strained every nerve and sinew for many years
making this information known. We do not put a date on Maitreya's
appearance; we know He is here and that He will emerge openly at the
earliest possible moment.

Q. I was at your London lecture on 23 April 2009 and you spoke very
urgently about the need to get the existence of the `star' into
media outlets (radio, television, the internet, etc), so that there is
an open public discussion/debate about its meaning. Why is that so

A. As Maitreya says: "Nothing happens by itself. Man must act and
implement his will." Maitreya desires as much public discussion as
possible otherwise the function of the `star' in heralding His
approach, is lost.

Q. I have been following the news about the `star'. I am very
much hoping that what people are seeing is the miracle star. But I am
wondering whether any unusual sightings have been reported by people who
spend their days looking at the stars through giant telescopes, etc.
Were the scientific community to observe something new I would be
reassured that it is not simply Venus being mistaken for something more
unusual. Has this happened yet?

A. The response from professional stargazers has been a deafening
silence. Why the silence? Are they following governmental orders to keep
quiet about any unusual sightings (like UFOs)? On the other hand,
reports of sightings have been flooding in from all over the world –
from Norway to New Zealand and the USA to Japan. YouTube is full of
reports, many of the `star' although the reporter usually has no
idea what, in fact, he is seeing. Some earlier reports were indeed about
Venus, but since 28 March Venus has gone beyond our sight. So now there
is no confusion. The `star' is brighter even than Venus, changes
colour frequently and moves position. So obviously it is not a real
star. There are, in fact, four such "star-like luminaries"
covering the world. They are gigantic spacecraft (each one about the
size of five football grounds put together). They all come from planets
of our own solar system. They are a sign, heralds of the first public
appearance on American television of Maitreya, the World Teacher.

Q. Thanks for all of the great work that you have done so gracefully for
so many years. I have one question that has been gnawing at my mind for
several weeks: why have you been calling the light in the sky `the
star', while some of your regular readers know it is one or more
It seems that many people would quickly become very confused by your
references to `the star', especially after they look at the
photographs (and accompanying text) on the Share International website
that clearly indicates that it appears and disappears in a wide variety
of different locations, colours, and forms, and that it moves around
randomly (unlike any other star) like a spacecraft might.
To my mind calling it a`star', makes it all too tempting for the
public (including all those who are open to UFOs), to dismiss the story
as baloney. So, why not cut out the pretence and call it a UFO?

A. There is no pretence. Knowing the nature of the `star', as
four gigantic spaceships from several planets of our System, I had great
difficulty in deciding just how to present it to the general public and
media. I decided to follow my Master's example. He had called it a
"star-like luminary of brilliant power", and related it to the
`star' which led the `three wise men' to the birthplace
of Jesus. Some of us know that that `star' was a spacecraft too,
but is accepted by millions as a miracle star.

It was just before Christmas so I called it a `Christmas star',
sure that that would be more interesting and magnetic than a prediction
about a UFO. In Britain at least, people are much more sceptical of UFOs
than in the USA, for example. Of course, at each lecture I make it clear
that what looks like a star is, in fact, one of four huge spacecraft. In
a lecture, one has time and opportunity to enlarge on the subject and
the meaning and purpose of the phenomenon. In a press release or
advertisement one is limited by space and the need to be succinct. The
result from the public has been encouraging – eager and excited and
amazed by the sheer beauty of the spectacle. The response of the media
has been almost nil, as if there was an embargo on mentioning something
so important as the herald of the Christ. However, it could be that
media interest is starting now. Thank you for your kind words.

Q. Many people in foreign countries have had the pleasure of seeing the
`star', but I don't think it has been over England very
much. I live in the south-east, and I haven't heard of anyone seeing
it here in my area. So often the skies are cloudy, but I look every day
and night for it. Is it likely to come here again? I have downloaded the
photograph of it over Oslo, and given it out to many people in the hope
of spreading the news of Maitreya. God bless you all at Share
International. I love the magazine.

A. We have some excellent photographs sent in to Share International by
people in these islands, but our cloudy skies are certainly a hindrance.
However, keep looking and, if possible, take pictures. Thank you for
your comments on Share International magazine.

Q. I have noticed that Benjamin Creme's lectures are running
throughout 2009. Why would we need more lectures? After we all see the
`star' won't Maitreya be the main speaker or is the star
going to run its show for another year before the appearance of
Maitreya? I have been an amateur astronomer for 25 years. Stars are
suns, they don't move in orbital cycles. Would you care to enlighten
me on a star that moves? Maybe it's another object that has a
projected orbit?

A. Lectures are given to inform new people of our information. That
means about 6 billion people who still have not heard what is happening
in our world. The `star' has a limited period as a sign of
Maitreya's presence and first public interview. Stars, as you say,
do not move. Nor, I think, do they change colour constantly and
disappear at high speed. There are four "star-like luminaries"
which are now seen by many people around the world. They are huge
spacecraft from different planets of our solar system. Their presence
among us is further proof of the reality of UFOs and intelligent and
harmless life in our own solar system.

Q. (1) In what way can you recognise the `star' sign and not get
it mixed up with celestial bodies? (2) I know it is seen in the west.
Does it move in any way? I'm looking for it in my vicinity but
don't think I have spotted it yet. Is there a chance it would make a
wee cheeky appearance over Scotland anytime in the future?

A. (1) For a start, it is very bright, brighter than Venus, changes
colour and moves. (2) I don't think we have had reports from
Scotland but we have from Canada and New Zealand where many ex-Scots
live, as you know. I will see if I can do anything for a magnificent
sighting over Glasgow, my dear old birthplace!

Q. When I was staying in a house in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais,
in March 2009, I noticed a handprint mark on my bedroom window. Back at
my home in São Paulo, I realized that there were also some
fingerprints on my own bathroom mirror. (1) Were these handprints
manifested by Maitreya? (If yes, it's becoming a frequent phenomenon
in my house!) (2) Is this a sign that Maitreya's appearance is near?
(3) On 14 April, at 21.30, I was coming home in São Paulo, when I saw
a strange star that was changing colours very quickly, and then
disappeared. (3) Was it the `star' and did anyone else realize
it was there? (4) Also, on 6 April 2009, outside my home, I noticed an
object in the distant sky outside my home. It was emitting a light at
times and I remembered that some people who had seen the `star'
had asked it to become brighter. I decided to do the same: when I did it
really became brighter even when the object was behind the clouds, and
was brighter only at the times that I asked. It was a great moment and
was like a confirmation. Was it the star?

A. (1) Yes, it is a Sign of His Presence. They are appearing in many
parts of the world. (2) YES, very near. (3) Yes, the `star' and
many others saw it. (4) It was the `star'.

Q. I saw the photograph of the `star' on your website, taken
from New Zealand. If something unusual is spotted in our skies, it is
normally all over radio talkback programmes and the media, immediately.
Not a squeak so far!
If this `star' has been seen from so many countries, it amazes
me that astronomers haven't been speaking out and discussing it, by
now! The fact that they are not, seems illogical.
I have been searching in vain for comment from the local astronomy
community. The deafening silence does not inspire confidence! I hope
with all my heart that there is such a `star' but for now
I'm finding it hard to accept!

A. I agree. It is quite extraordinary, this media and professional
silence. The `star' is seen all over the world, sometimes even
in broad daylight, yet the media and astronomers alike refuse to speak
about it. It begins to look as though they are following instructions
from somewhere.

Q. I have been reading about the `star' sign on your website. I
asked my uncle about the new star but he was unable to find anything
more about it, even though he has some fairly advanced telescopes and
photography equipment. He cannot find the star in the sky (he lives in
Toronto, Canada). Is there any way you can release some astronomical
information on this `star' so we can get a better look at it? I
know you already have some photographs on your website though they do
not seem to contain enough context to determine where the `star'

A. Look for a star-like brilliant light which changes colour, moves and
sometimes just disappears. It is not a real astronomical `star'
but a spaceship.

Q. I saw what I thought was the `star' about 8.45pm on 14 April
2009 when coming out of a Transmission Meditation session in Ladbroke
Grove, London. It was in the western sky quite low down, very bright
like Venus has been recently. I travelled by underground to my home,
which took about an hour, and could still see it. Was it the

A. It was indeed the `star'.


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