> > What an idiot, Wanda Sykes, putting the POTUS
> > on the spot - suggesting that Rush Limbaugh's
> > anti-Obama agenda makes him akin to a terrorist,
> > specifically, one of the 9/11 hijackers.
> >
off_world_beings wrote:
> er...she's a comedian.
The POTUS should be concentrating on winning the 
war, not laughing at mean-spirited 9-11 jokes. The 
Obama Administration has made Afghanistan the 
central front in the war on terror. Obama is not 
going to win the war listeing to Wanda Sykes and 
poking fun at Rush Limbaugh. If Obama can't win
the war, he will be voted out of office in a single
term and replaced with someone who can win the war -
maybe Hillary Clinton. Obama won't be laughing at
9-11 jokes then, will he?

"By the end of this year, the U.S. expects to have 
close to 70,000 troops in Afghanistan, including 
21,000 ordered there by Obama..."

'Why the Pentagon Axed Its Afghan Warlord'
By Mark Thompson
Time, May 12, 2009

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