On May 11, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> "meh!"
> I guess I was expecting too much.  Some clever something from wizard
> J.J. Abrams and company.  Not a chance.  This was basically a homage  
> to
> the TV series and a dad to mom and the kids: "let's go see the new  
> Star
> Trek movie!"  If you were looking for some edge like we get with  
> "Lost",
> "Fringe" or "Cloverfield" then forget it.   Trekkies will probably  
> love
> it but I would suspect some of them might have been expecting much  
> more
> too.  A bunch of TV actors doing a TV movie in scope (still formatted
> for crop-o-vision).  Syler shift-shaped into Spock.  "JAG" (which I
> probably have watched all of 10 minutes of) on the bridge.  I'm sure
> that Paramount will have some new rides at "Great America" out of  
> this,
> that is if anyone can afford to go there anymore.

For a Trek fan like myself, I thought it was overall excellent--really  
the best Star Trek movie so far. But it did suffer from a common issue  
of many sci-fi mega films and that's thrilling special effects with  
constant action at the expense of a more broad-ranging plot. It  
doesn't seem necessary to be 'balls to the wall' from beginning to  
end. In similar films I found myself wondering if they were gearing  
such movies to kids who's nervous systems were accustomed to sitting  
in front of an Xbox 360 for most of their lives.

I really dug the new transporter effect which looked like it started  
at the level of the aura/vyana-vayu. Way cool. They should've included  
the chakras.

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