--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "Robert" <babajii...@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 1   Jimi Hendrix
> > by Pete Townshend
> >
> > I feel sad for people who have to judge Jimi Hendrix on the basis of
recordings and film alone, because in the flesh he was so extraordinary.
He had a kind of alchemist's ability; when he was on the stage, he
changed. He physically changed. He became incredibly graceful and
beautiful. It wasn't just people taking LSD, though that was going on,
there's no question. But he had a power that almost sobered you up if
you were on an acid trip. He was bigger than LSD.
> >
> >
> >
> I have seen the 'Who' once, and Jimi Hendrix twice...
> The Who are obnoxious, loud and have nothing really original about
them...never really 'got' what they were about>>

They are the original punk rockers, and appealed more to working class
honesty, that's why you don't "get ehat they are about", whereas Hendrix
appealed more to college drop-outs.

...other than obnoxious...they all must be deaf by now>>

...whereas Hendrix is long dead.

> Jimi Hendrix was a master...beyond the usual, as is stated above...>>

He was 3 hit wonder and an extra-ordinary poser. Its a good thing he
died, he would have gone on to make some horrible noises.


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