
Hmmm, Ruth called my post ugly, and I think she nailed it.  And I
admitted that I gave myself permission to be as mean as Godzilla making
a Bambi pancake.  In other words, I wasn't even talking about your
picture at all -- just pretending to do that and riffing in a vile low

To me a woman's looks change by the thought. Bam, bam, bam, she's ugly,
she's sexy, she's kind, she's evil, and on and on it goes.  I think this
is what keeps men from looking for very long into their faces -- they
are all Mother Divine I tells ya, and whole worlds scintillate before
their inner ken like motes suspended in rays of light.  It makes men
shit their pants.  Hard enough to please one's employer every day, what
chance to a Sat Yuga Goddess with a Kali Yuga man's personality?

Yeah, I think all men are built to look first and feel later and to
judge the book by the cover, but, if a guy is really looking for a
partner (rare,) the woman's looks  only allure until she says the first
word, then all bets are off.  The most beautiful babe can be a psychic
black hole, and that energy cannot be as easily disguised as a pimple
being covered by makeup.  If a guy's merely looking for sex, then he can
pretty much stop paying attention to energy, and the lady is beautiful
all night long.

My post's energy was, I thought at the time, an appropriate echoing of
your energy when you scoured me in a personal attack.  I often feel you
nuke others instead of chide them in a friendly banterly way, and I
still scratch my head when you do this to a newbie who's come here to
try to get some sort of merit badge.  That
blasting-while-also-correcting is  certain to scare away tons of folks
who don't have the ego strength to hang here for their intellectual
betterment.  Shit, I barely have the strength.  When Ruth said the word
"ugly," it wasn't a paper cut to me.  Ruth's heart counts.  But your
blasts equally are as sure to hurt others as much as Ruth's well aimed
arrows.  Tell me why I shouldn't conclude that you're always trying to
thin the herd here.

The physician desires disease, and Judy desires incorrectitudes; seems
to me, you'd want a lot more dunderheads, blowhards, and crocked cocks
here in order to be sure that the entire spectrum of nonsense can be
displayed and that your creative intelligence will have easy pickings.  
Not to say that I alone am not enough to keep you typing all day long,
but that you might enjoy your "job" here more if you didn't have the
same old grind of "See Barry, stomp Barry, grind Berry, make Barry bread
from Barry bones."  Seriously, if we had another pompous asshole with no
ability to see himself as others do, would that be refreshing to you?

For the record, I can point to no post of yours that would be proof that
you, Judy, have a lousy life due to your blasting others in real life. 
Just as others here do not know me, not really, I cannot know you, not
really.  Almost all accusations here are doomed to ultimately be close
to 100% projection.

Do you agree?  I bet you don't.  I bet you think you could identify
Barry from an "audio only" recording of ten conversations of tourists
overheard in a Spanish cafe like spotting a guy in a police lineup with
a burglar's mask still being worn.  I don't have such certainty.  The
Barry we see here is too haughty to be much of a success in the real
world, so, I'm guessing he's got some very nice and proper masks that he
can don, but we won't see them worn here, eh?  Nab, different story
maybe, but in general I think most posters hold back huge hunks of "what
they are."  Judging Barry is definitely hunting elephants with a
woodsman's axe because they're so tree-like donchaknow.

Glad to hear my darts didn't hit any tender spots over there, but damned
if I didn't think I was doing a SWAT attack.  For a moment, I swear I
was Bruce Willis reloading in mid-air while spinning like a top and
mowing down the surrounding hoard of world class evil creeps.  Not that
you're a world class evil creep, mind you, just that I felt that way
while shooting from the hip.

Ah, coffee and a nearby mirror start my day.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
> <snip>
> > All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once
> > again presented to your minds, because it was mindfully
> > sought for for just such a reason by the poster -- to
> > present it to you. He put this again into your minds.
> > Consider that the piece had to be "unholy ripped from
> > its resting place," and by a vile intent has it been
> > thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie
> > piece is now enlivened by the poster's shakti with an
> > intent to maraud this place of discourse with a
> > purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider
> > that this text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to
> > deliver an energy of malevolence at two targeted
> > persons but equally delivered the energy to you other
> > readers also.
> <snip>
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <no_reply@>
> <snip>
> > > Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt
> > > goaded, but his post is ugly.
> I've been pondering this tactic of Barry's with some
> bemusement. Edg's correct that it was intended to
> upset both Edg and me, but what leaves me scratching
> my head is that at the time he wrote his comments on
> my photo, Edg assumed they would wound me deeply; and
> Barry figured the repost would rip the scab off the
> wound. He's done his damndest to inflict such wounds
> on me himself many times in the past.
> Er, no, sorry, guys. I haven't been insecure about
> my appearance since I was an adolescent. Even if I
> thought Edg and Barry really did find my photo
> repulsive, enough men (more than my share, in fact)
> have found me attractive (and still do) that it
> wouldn't bother me in the slightest that there were
> exceptions. Chacun a son gout, and all that.
> What's so interesting is that both Edg and Barry
> are convinced that a woman's sense of self-worth is
> heavily dependent on how men regard her looks. That
> can only be because they themselves value women
> based on their physical attractiveness.
> I'm not a good test case, as it happens. If I were
> genuinely unattractive, I might well be sensitive
> about it. If I were psychologically insecure, I
> might be sensitive about my looks even though I'm
> not unattractive. But I'm neither unattractive nor
> psychologically insecure, so all the energy that
> Edg and Barry have put into trying to make me feel
> bad about myself has actually only reflected badly
> on them.

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